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Probate, Conservatorship, and Trust Sale Specialist

I am your one-stop Probate / Trust Source!
My superior customer service and marketing plan is second to none

What is a Probate / Trust Sale?

It is the transfer of ownership of a Real Property from the estate of the person who has passed away to his or her beneficiaries, or to another buyer under the supervision of the count.

What is Estate Administration?

Estate Administration provides for the guild lines of the distribution of Real and Personal property owned by a decedent. More specifically, any property which the decedent owned or in which the decedent had an interest at the time of death is collected into the estate and distributed to those entitled to it after all debts and expenses have been paid. The process of administering a decedent’s estate is referred to as “Probate” and is generally supervised by the probate court.

What is a Personal Representative?

A personal representative is either: An Executor (someone named in a will) or An Administrator (someone appointed by the court when there is no will, when the will does not name an executor or when the named executor is unable or unwilling to serve). The personal representative is tasked with the fiduciary responsibility of gathering the assets and paying the debts of the decedent in such a way that the beneficiaries or heirs of the decedent receive the maximum inheritance. The personal representative usually will hire an Estate Attorney to handle the legal aspects of the probate, and a Realtor such as ME to handle the Real property involved with the estate.

What I Provide for our Clients in probate / Trust Sale Situation?

• Diligent attention to probate laws.
• Strong understanding of Real Estate Contracts.
• Unique Marketing strategy.
• Familiarity with court protocols.
• Strong Negotiation skills.
• Diverse Marketing skills and a strong support team.
• Free Appraisal (by a certified appraiser).
• Free Termite Reports.
• Fast turnaround of assignments.
• Local and Global presence for the property.
• Multiple Listing Service coverage.
• Get the most Profit out of the Probate Real Estate Property in the least time